Butik med utrustning inom flugfiske, spinnfiske & haspelfiske
Extra stark smidig långkastande non stretch
stum högkvalitets flätlina.
Längd 135 meter.
Färg orange.
Long cast.
Ultra strong.
Non twist.
Zero stretch.
Hig abrasion resistant.
100% super soft PE braid.
0.10mm test 6,5kg
0.12mm test 7,9kg
0.14mm test 9,0kg
0.16mm test 10,5kg
0.18mm test 12,5kg
0.20mm test 15,1kg
Akara Power Action X-4 Orange 135 m is a universal
braided four-wire fishing cord.
The cord was created in order to satisfy the needs of anglers
in a high-quality, reliable, durable and inexpensive cord.
Made of dense fiber made in Japan.
The cord is characterized by high strength and reliability,
has a round shape, is abrasion resistant and is suitable
for almost any fishing conditions, including fishing in places
where there is a high probability of hooks.
It is delivered in windings of 135 meters.
The diameter range is from 0.06 to 0.2 mm with the test
about 4.3 to 15.1 kg.
The cord is characterized by high strength and reliability,
has a round shape, is abrasion resistant and is suitable
for almost any fishing conditions,
including fishing in places where there
is a high probability of hooks.
Över 100 000 nöjda kunder sedan vi startade företaget.
Wild Trout SE är en webshop med inriktning på i första hand utrustning inom flugfiske, spinnfiske, outdoor.
Vi satsar på bra kvalitet till rimliga priser för dig som kund i vår butik. Vårt lager finns i Sverige vilket ger dig som kund tryggare köp och snabbare leveranser.
Vi reserverar oss för eventuella tryckfel, slutförsäljning eller leverantörsförseningar.
Kontakta oss via formulär under kontakta oss eller email info@fiskeflugor.se
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